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Whether to eat or eat meat Boiled dumplings or chaos, the essential point is that, in our life has become the biggest problem vegetable dish, to share the benefits of vegetarian eating dumplings, let you eat good food.
1, energy. As long as we eat enough, both vegetarian and meat can meet the energy needs of the human body. If excess, it can cause energy overload and so on.
2 minerals. Milk is the best source of calcium, but vegetarian foods such as soy products and some vegetables also provide more calcium.
3, dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is entirely provided by plant-based foods, and animal foods do not provide dietary fiber.
4. Phytochemicals. Vegetarian food contains plant sterols, saponins, glucosinolates, polyphenols and so on more than 10 kinds. They have anti-cancer, antioxidant, immune regulation, antibacterial, cholesterol lowering, regulating blood pressure, blood sugar and other effects, they are very few in meat.
5, food safety. Plant food and animal food will have security problems, but in terms of the existing situation, animal food safety problems more, more security risks.
6, protein. Meat contains more protein than vegetarian food. However, soybeans and their products are similar to meat. As long as you eat enough, you can also provide high quality protein.
7, fat. Meat provides mainly saturated fatty acids, which contain more cholesterol; vegetarian foods mainly provide unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol free. Therefore, vegetable food is superior to animal food.
8 vitamins. Meat is a good source of vitamin A and B, and it also provides some vitamin E and very little vitamin D, but it contains almost no vitamin C. Vegetarian food is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E, and it also provides some B vitamins and very little vitamin D.
Well, Xiao Bian today for everyone to brief introduction here! Tomorrow's consultation will be more wonderful! Please don't miss it!


