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Boiled dumplings at home are usually boiled water before placing dumplings, and now the package or frozen are cooked like this. In fact, this method of cooking is not so scientific, although a piece of cooking is also good, shortening the boiling time, saving energy, saving gas. But want to eat delicious dumplings, the following with the dumplings are now joined manufacturers small series together to see how the dumplings and frozen dumplings in the end how to cook?
First, the dumplings are boiled with boiling water
Pot of cold water to join Corn Cob, after boiling, the Corn Cob picked up, then the bag into the boiling water pot boiled Boiled dumplings. Boiled with corn cob, dumplings will be sweeter. No, it doesn't matter.
Two. Frozen dumplings begin with cold water
Cold water pot with frozen dumplings, let the water and frozen dumplings together heating, shorten the boiling time, save energy, save gas, skin Q eat well.
Boiling water boiled Boiled dumplings can be frozen, just boiling water and freezing temperature to Boiled dumplings, more time, heating will slowly frozen Boiled dumplings cooked, the gas will also use some more.
How to make dumplings taste better?
1, when cooked, gently mix, dumplings do not stick pot. Boil the crust until it boils and cook for another 20 seconds.
2, add a little oil, make the skin shiny finally complete Boiled dumplings, do not stick together. Make sure you don't turn off the fire when you make dumplings. This way, the dumplings taste better.
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