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Dumpling is a traditional food in China, dumpling is the necessities of life, is more in our life, so to join the dumpling restaurant you should know, need to place some questions you should know. What are the problems of joining the dumpling house? The following is a brief introduction to the group. 
1, site selection, 
It's not just a dumpling store, it's important to do any business. A: where is the dumpling store? Dumpling is a popular food, which can be used to focus on the public at the site of the site, and the streets, neighborhoods, supermarkets, schools and so on are good choices. 
2, taste 
Dumpling is not hard to do, a lot of people would make dumplings, open a dumpling shop on the market also has a lot of, that how to make their own dumpling shop stand out? It will take a lot of effort to make dumplings. Only good taste can help you to leave more customers. 
3, service, 
Now pay attention to service, dumpling shop taste good, service, or to customers at didn't say not satisfied, that repeat customers more naturally, as a result, dumpling shop business is hot. So, the operator of the dumpling shop must be thinking of providing a good service to the customer to keep the customers. 
Open a dumpling shop is not high, the cost of business rise very convenient also, and size of the stores don't need too much, simple operation and can worry to make money, is really good choice! 
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