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  Joining introduced carp leek dumplings at the centre of the dumplings
  1. 将鱼肉剁成蓉 ,加人猪骨汤 、料酒 、香油 、姜末 、精盐搅打成黏稠的糊 ; 韭菜择洗干净 , 切成末 , 加人植物油拌匀, 再放人鱼蓉 、酱油 、精盐拌匀成焰。饺子加盟
  1. Cut the flesh ChengRong, add one pig bone soup, cooking wine, sesame oil, ginger, refined salt into sticky paste; Wash leek pick, cut into the end of vegetable oil and mix well, put the mermaid mix ChengYan paste, soy sauce, salt.
  2. 将面粉用温水拌匀和好,放人盆内,盖上湿布饧 30 min,当面团饧好后,取 出,搓成长条 ,切成圆剂, 撒上干面粉, 擀成饺子皮, 包入适量馅料 ,对折桓紧成饺子。
  2. Put flour mix well with warm water and good, bowl, cover with wet cloth Xing 30 min, when Xing, take out, rub strips, cut into round agent, sprinkle dry flour, roll it into the wrappers, bags into the suitable amount of filling, folded huan into dumplings.
  3. 锅内添水烧开,下入饺子搅动,防止粘锅 ,待水再次烧开后淋人少许清水 , 煮至饺子浮起熟透 ,捞出盛人盘内即可食用。
  3. The pot add water to boil and churn down to the dumplings, prevent stick pan, after waiting for water to boil again pour a little water, cook until dumpling float is done, remove one dish and serve.


