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  Customers from the restaurant in front of the door, the first to see where? What is the impression of the restaurant that impressed him? Like? Numb? Or is it offensive? After entering the restaurant can not produce the desire to consume? It is true that there are various problems in opening a restaurant. Therefore, the food and beverage practitioners in the restaurant should pay attention to the study of consumer psychology, only to fully understand, in order to effectively make a series of marketing activities for customers, so as to enhance the restaurant business performance. Here, Xiaobian to take you to explore the consumer psychology.
  And the catering industry management is closely related to the quality of psychology, consumer psychology for cheaper herd mentality, effect and halo effect that several different values for customers, because everyone's consumption, religion, lifestyle, social status, education level, their consumption behavior and the tendency is different, the operator should according to the the specific situation, distinction.
  1, consumer psychology
  The main psychological state of psychological quality in high-end consumer groups, while consumption ability is not a problem, the pursuit of quality of life has become this kind of person is yearning, some people even think that "are not afraid of you, but the quality is not good" has become a mainstream consumer. Some leisure establishments also began to hit their own "quality" brand, an ordinary rice or noodles, quality can be a little better, pricing for tens of dollars or even hundreds of yuan, profits. In the form of consumption polarization is very obvious and the quality of the psychological customers are increasing.
  2, consumer seeking cheap psychology
  This kind of psychology is the psychology of the masses as the general public consumption, in the quality is able to achieve a certain guarantee, the price is relatively low product consumers prefer. In the city the process significantly today, people's life rhythm faster, convenient fast and affordable restaurants popular love, dining out become more common and affordable delicious restaurants ushered in a large number of consumer groups, like dumplings, Hui Mei such economic affordable fast food brings people many convenient. Moreover, in the quality of the same, more affordable price of fast food restaurants, the audience is much higher than the pursuit of quality psychology of the consumer population.
  3, consumer conformity psychology
  "We must choose good" this is typical of the herd mentality, we can often see a delicacy on the street when there are many similar restaurants, often a passenger to several other, but few people interested. Why is there such a phenomenon, it is not the taste of his shop is not good, it is likely to be the first few tables of guests, people feel popular and formed a herd mentality.
  4, consumption halo effect
  This restaurant reflects the most obvious is the Star shop, due to the shop owner's favorite star, and further to his restaurant full of expectations. It is some of the very famous stores, such as Hameg dumplings, you probably didn't eat this store, but by advertising, people's daily mouth often can hear this brand, so in your heart to form a halo effect. Customers are willing to choose such a store is out of the brand or the star of my trust.
  The individual said a variety of consumer psychology are not independent of each other there, but the mixture of mutual influence each other, will appear in different values, to grasp the customer's consumption psychology can make better restaurants catering practitioners.


