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  Introduces three kinds of the shape of the dumpling package method:
  1、钱包饺:取饺皮一张于掌心,放入适量馅,将饺皮对折封口成半圆形, 右手拇指安捏住右顶端角,将之捏薄,将变薄的顶端往下按, 连续向下按捏形成绞边纹直至左端就完成了。饺子加盟
  1, wallet dumplings: dumpling skin a in the palm, add right amount of filling, the dumpling skin folded seal in a semicircle, your right thumb and hold the top of the right Angle, pinch of thin, thinning down at the top of the press, continuous thumb down into wring side lines until the left side is completed.
  2、月牙饺:左手握拳,大拇指和食指自然伸出,取饺子皮一张放上并 放入馅料,将右端边角捏住,右手拇指向外轻推内侧皮, 食指将外侧皮形成褶折,右手拇指奖褶折捏紧,重复步骤 至左端饺边并将两端封口处捏牢。看看像不像一轮弯弯的月牙呢?
  2, crescent dumplings: left hand clenched, his thumb and forefinger natural stretched out, and take the wrappers and into the stuffing is put on a, will hold the right end corner, right hand thumb to nudge the inside of the skin, the index finger to the outer skin fold fold formation, the right hand thumb prize pleated pinched, repeat steps To the left edge dumplings and pinch pincer-like device on both ends. Look like a curved crescent?
  3、元宝饺:取饺皮一张于掌心,放入适量馅 对折成半圆形,捏牢中间 将右半边饺皮封口,同样将左半边饺皮也封口,将饺皮封牢, 然后把饺子两端向中间弯拢,将两端饺边相互捏牢,使半圆 形的边微微向上翘。
  3, wing dumpling: dumpling skin a in the palm, add right amount of filling Folded in a semicircle, pinch tightly Will be the right half dumpling skin sealing, also will be left half dumpling skin also seal, the dumpling skin cell, and then their dumplings at both ends to the middle bending, dumplings and pinch firmly on both ends of the will, the semicircle shape edge slightly become warped up.


