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Several commonly used fillings have dumplings, which is derived from animal meat, egg and shrimp; plant sources are leek, cabbage, celery, fennel and carrot etc.. These materials themselves have high nutritional value, and they are more beneficial to the balance of nutrition.
One, the principle of nourishment and collocation of plain stuffed dumplings
蛋类和蔬菜为主要原料的素馅饺子较为健康, 油脂来自于植物油,蔬菜的比例也比较大。由于蛋类含磷较多,这类馅料应当配合富含钙、钾和镁的绿叶蔬菜,以及虾皮、海藻等原料,以促进酸碱平衡。而粉丝之类纯淀粉材料营养价值低,不应作为馅料的主要原料。
Eggs and vegetables as the main raw material of the vegetable dumplings are more healthy, oil from vegetable oil, the proportion of vegetables is relatively large. Because the eggs phosphorus higher than that of the filling shall cooperate with the green leafy vegetables rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, and shrimp, seaweed and other raw materials, in order to promote acid-base balance. But the vermicelli and other pure starch materials have low nutritional value and should not be used as the main material for the filling.
Two, the principle of fungus and algae filling
Meat fillings to collocation is rich in dietary fiber and minerals in vegetables, plus some foods rich in soluble fiber, such as letinous edodes, fungus, tremella and mushroom, kelp, Undaria algae etc.. They can improve the taste, help reduce the absorption of cholesterol and fat, and control the increase of blood fat after eating meat. Bamboo shoots, vegetables etc. also have the role of fat absorption.
Three. Follow the principle of dietary acid-base balance
According to the dietary acid-base balance principle, the "acidic" meat and eggs and flour, and should be "alkaline" vegetable raw material phase equilibrium, a three best meat collocation not squeeze juice raw vegetables, and meat fillings used nine lean meat, don't add animal oil and vegetable oil, vegetables increased in order to reduce the amount of intake of saturated fat and calories, nutrition balance reached true.
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