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As the saying goes, "delicious, but dumplings.". Chinese tradition is to eat dumplings on holidays, and have nothing to eat dumplings. Dumplings can be meat, meat, vegetables, it can be said to be a national delicacy.
1, how and dough?
And face, water and face are proportional, usually surface and water ratio of 2:1, and it is best to use cold water, that is, use warm water should not exceed 30 degrees. Live a good face to wake up, wake up, preferably the middle rub several times, rub up, then wake up. Wake up in about 15-30 minutes, so cooked dumplings taste good.
2. The water of the dough can not be poured at one time
When you pour it, stir it with chopsticks and mix it with water until it is dough.
3, add egg or salt will make dumpling skin more pliable
And when, playing an egg on the surface or add salt, dumplings dumplings and dumplings cooked, not sticky, the skin is particularly good. The process of making dumplings is like this: Chop meat - add seasoning - stir well and add water - add proper amount of sesame oil and vegetables, coriander, chopped green onion and so on. Mix it again again - make dumplings.
Cold boiled water in the pot, methods: frozen dumplings into the pot, frozen Boiled dumplings and cold water heating, when the temperature rose slowly at the same time, skin and meat stuffing temperature rise. In this way, the temperature of the dumplings can always be consistent with the water temperature, cooked dumplings will be good flexibility, cooked meat, delicious.
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