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玫瑰花卷饺子的做法步骤 :
The practice of raising dumplings with roses:
1. 四张饺子皮一张叠着一张排在砧板上,按照一个方向排列,饺子皮重叠部位用一点冷水粘起来 2. 取少许调好的饺子馅放在饺子皮中间向上一点的位置两头的位置留一公分空白不要放馅,便于后面操作
1. four dumplings a piece with a row on the chopping block, arranged in one direction, the dumplings with a little cold water overlapping parts together 2. take a little prepared dumplings stuffing on the dumpling skin to a point on the middle position at the position of a CM blank to put the pie, which surface operation
3. 从右向左按一个方向把饺子皮向上折起来
3. turn the dumpling wrapper up from right to left in one direction
4. 然后把饺子皮从左往右卷起来,稍加整理,一朵漂亮的玫瑰花饺子就好了
4. then the dumpling rolled up, from left to right a little finishing, a beautiful rose like dumplings
5. 我这个二十张饺子皮可以做五朵玫瑰花饺子
5. my twenty dumplings can make five roses dumplings
6. 全部包好后放在平底锅里,倒入适量冷水,以可以淹过平底锅底部就可以了,然后倒入适量食用油,盖上锅盖先大火煮沸转小火焖煮,此时可以把鸡蛋把打散并加入适量盐,锅里的水快干的时候倒入鸡蛋液,开小火再煎两分钟待鸡蛋凝固后撒葱花即可出锅装盘,开吃
6. after all the packets in the pan, pour some cold water, to be at the bottom of the pan out of it, and then into the amount of oil, cover the pot before the fire boil turn a small fire stew, this can put the egg to add salt and scattered, pot of water poured into the drying time egg liquid, open a small fire and fry for two minutes until the egg after solidification and chopped scallion pan, eat
7. 成品
7. finished goods
8. 底部也很酥脆可口哦
8., the bottom is also very crisp, delicious Oh!
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