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  In China's eating tradition, there has always been a "raw soup". The old people have to drink the soup after eating the noodles and dumplings. There is a certain sense of nutrition in the term "raw soup".
  First, "" has the meaning of" digest ", expert says, cooked starch class food, the surface of the starch will be scattered into the soup, when heated to 100 degrees Celsius, the starch particles will decompose into dextrin, and can help to digest food. It also contains digestive enzymes that are not destroyed during cooking and can help digest food. So drinking the soup can help reduce the accumulation.
  Second, there is a certain complement to drinking the soup. Experts say that the flour water-soluble B vitamins is very rich, but in the process of cooking, B vitamins will be lost to the soup, drink soup can in a certain extent, make up for the loss of pasta during the cooking process.
  Water soluble vitamins in food are easily lost with processing and cooking. We advocate the hot water that clean out rice at ordinary times, not excessive scrubbing, taomee number also should control within the twice, cooking should not add too much water, such as the principle, is to avoid water soluble vitamins, especially the loss of B vitamins. The reason is the same as the original soup.
  "Raw" refers to starchy foods, and "raw soup" means the water that is cooked. For example, make dumplings, noodles, wonton, soup with soup, and rice soup. While the hot pot soup first, because rinse meat when there are a lot of oil dissolve out, cause fat content in the hot pot soup is too high, long-term drinking will be bad for your health.
  Also, must pay attention to be "original soup", can make primitive food. The famous lamb in xi 'an, bread in the soup, USES the soup of lamb stew and then bubbles it in. The soup is not the original soup of the mo.
  The soup has so many benefits, so when is the best time to drink?
  In theory, more is to drink after the meal, just like everyone likes to have a porridge after the meal, quantity has no strict limits.
  Eat noodles kind of food is not easy to satiety, so easy to eat more more, so fat person should drink soup before meals, can make the person produces a certain fullness, slow down the speed of eating, not eating too much. This is why the popular "drink soup before meals, slim and healthy" is why. However, patients with chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric acid secretion is less, drink soup before meals can diluent gastric juice, and further affect the digestion of food, so don't drink too much soup before meals.
  "Stomach is empty, everything is empty", this sentence says the importance of diet, with the continuous improvement of quality of life, eating is not to eat so simple, what to eat, how to eat are what people care about.


