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  As the saying goes, not as delicious dumplings, dumplings can be Chinese people indispensable a food, new year dumplings if this thing to say. Every household will do, and some will put coins or peanuts in it to pray for peace in the coming year. Long time no see, a home, the family will also give dumplings. Always feel that eating dumplings is reunion.
  We are keen to sea intestine Boiled dumplings Boiled dumplings, has also been working like workers, usually busy with work, do not eat breakfast, only frozen sea intestine dumplings, but always boiled with water, eat is greasy, today to introduce a unique approach like fried.
  准备一份冷冻的海肠水饺,首先用大火热锅,加入少许食用 油,把饺子用手一个一个码进去。码好饺子后,先煎20秒-30秒左右。很多人爱吃锅贴,锅贴在制作过程中有一个重要环节就是加水,自家制作也是一样。记得 要加入准备好的一碗清水,尽量让所有的饺子上面沾满水。接下来就是加上盖子,大概煎5-7分钟,直到水完全没了,饺子就做好了。
  Prepare a frozen sea intestine with the fire hot pot Boiled dumplings, first of all, add a little cooking oil, put a hand in a yard with dumplings. After the code is good dumplings, first fried 20 seconds -30 seconds. Many people like Pan-Fried Meat Dumplings Pan-Fried Meat Dumplings, there is an important link in the production process is water, as well as their own production. Remember to join a bowl of clear water, as far as possible to make all the dumplings covered with water above. The next step is to add the lid, about 5-7 minutes, until the water completely gone, the dumplings will do a good job.
  This made the dumplings, the top of the dumpling skin is soft, and the bottom of the dumpling has golden brown. Not enough crispy and traditional Boiled dumplings, fried dumplings like oil and do not.


