包饺子时,掌握不好面和馅的比例,不是剩点面,就是剩点馅。若想馅净面光,刚刚合适,可按如下方法一试:将和好的面团、调好的饺馅各一分为二(如果还怕用馅不均匀, 则可一分为四),先将一半的面、馅包成水饺,再将其余的面、馅一分为二,然后将其中一半的面、馅包成水饺,就这样分而包之,直至包完为止。对于实践经验不多的人,用这种方法比较稳妥。
When making dumplings, master the ratio of bad noodles and filling, not left a little face, that is, left point filling. If you want to paste the net light, just right, according to the following method: a try, good will and good dough dumplings stuffing each (if even One divides into two. with stuffing is not uniform, it can be divided into four parts, the first half of the surface), stuffing packets into Boiled dumplings, then the rest of the surface, and then One divides into two. stuffing. Half of the face, stuffing packets into Boiled dumplings, so that packets, until the end. For people with little practical experience, this method is more secure.
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