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We are outside the dumplings or had some dumplings shop takeaway, also at home to eat dumplings, but you eat dumplings at home every time there, just from the pot out of the dumplings, put into the market, and not long after, they stick together, why is this the situation? Jiaozi joined a small editor to tell you.
Usually we use flour to make dumplings at home, the main component is starch flour. Put the dumplings in the water to cook, and the heat will change. The starch on the surface of the dumpling becomes something called a dextrin. The dextrin is as sticky as a paste, which makes the skin of the dumpling conglutination together. So, after the dumplings are pulled out, we should pay attention to the turn of the dumplings in the dish, and do not let them stick together.
Put the boiled dumplings in the clean water first and then put them in the plate and it won't stick. In addition, you can also put a few slices of onion leaves in the pot of boiled dumplings, or put some salt in the pot, and also prevent adhesion. These are all methods that can be used at home.
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