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And face: a cup of water, some salt in the water, and one egg in the face. The water should be poured into the basin slowly, chopsticks kept stirring, and no dry flour was felt. When they were all on the surface, they could start living, and the surface should be strong enough to get to the surface of the noodles.
Attention: in front of the face, because there is a "wake up" process, the best morning and good, afternoon bag. The pot cover surface to prevent water evaporation.
Mixing: salt in the stuffing, Jiang Mo, soy sauce, wine, oil, water, can also add some pepper, you can add ingredients according to your own preferences. Stir clockwise and feel all things together.
注意:拌好的肉馅放半个小时为好,叫煨。这时料融合在一起,比较好吃。 姜剁的比较好吃。
Note: good mixed meat for half an hour, and simmer. At this time the material is mixed together, it is better to eat. Ginger chops are delicious.
Technological process:
1、  馅料制作:大骨汤在冷库中冻4小时以上至成型,猪肉绞碎打出胶后加入所有辅料制成馅。
1, filling material making: the big bone soup is frozen in the cold storage for more than 4 hours to form, and the pork is broken out and then added with all the auxiliary materials to make the filling.
2、  皮料制作:面粉、盐、清水投入和面机制作成面团,用压面机辊压成2mm左右的面片,用模具切成圆形饺子皮。
2, leather production: flour, salt, water input and flour machine is made into dough, pressed with flour press to 2mm or so, and cut into round dumpling skin with mould.
3、  包制成型:手工包制。皮馅比为9:11
3, package molding: Handmade package. The ratio of skin filling is 9:11
4、  速冻:放入钢盘中,过速冻线。
4, quick freezing: put in the steel plate, over the frozen line.
5、  贮存:经速冻的产品放于-18℃的低温库贮存。
5, storage: frozen products are stored at low temperature storage at -18 C.
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