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How to prevent the frozen cooked Boiled dumplings cooked outside in the bag, the Boiled dumplings manufacturers join Xiaobian weapon.
First, boiled sanshui.
1, cold water boil dumplings; this step in the process must use the spoon stick on the back edge of the pan clockwise stir gently, make dumplings keep rotating, in order not to let the dumplings together.
2, boil the water, boil about 1 minutes, add a small bowl of cold water, continue to boil; this step is best to stir.
3, after the water opened, add a small bowl of cold water, continue to boil; this step basically do not stir.
4、水再开后,再加一小碗冷水,继续煮开;这就是第三水 ,熄火,可以吃了!
4, after the water opened, and then add a small bowl of cold water, continue to boil; this is the third Sanshui, flameout, you can eat!
Two points:
1, all the way to open the pot, do not cover!
2, in case the third water has not cooked, it will be like processing, and then a water, but 99% will not be unfamiliar. Two is to boil the water first, the water can not be too small, or stick to the bottom of the pot. The water boiled, the frozen Boiled dumplings in the pot pot stirring constantly with a spoon along the edge, to prevent the adhesion of Boiled dumplings. When the water in the pot boils, add cold water, boil again, and then fish out.
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