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1.波波饺取饺皮一张于掌心,放入适量馅,将饺皮对折封口成半圆形,现包水饺加盟食指稍过拇指前捏住饺边 食指微微将饺皮往前推出褶折,重复褶折直推至右端顶处放手 这样一只波波饺就完成了。

1. take a Zhang Yu wave dumpling wrapper of the palm, add appropriate amount of stuffing, dumpling skin fold will seal a semicircle, the package had thumb index finger slightly before joining Boiled dumplings dumplings pinch the edge index finger slightly will skin dumplings pushed forward pleated pleated, repeated direct push to the right end of the top to let such a wave dumpling is complete the.
2.蛤蜊饺取饺皮一张于掌心,放入适量馅,现包水饺加盟将饺皮对折并将两侧往里折 将对折的边捏牢,并将两边折起来的口捏牢 右手拇指安捏住右顶端角,将之捏薄,将变薄的顶端往下按 连续向下按捏形成绞边纹直至左端 一个蛤蜊形水饺出现。
2. take a clam dumpling dumpling wrapper Zhang Yu palm, add appropriate amount of stuffing, the package will join the Boiled dumplings wrapper and fold to fold on both sides of the folded edge squeeze, and on both sides of the folded and squeeze right thumb pinch the top right corner of ANN, the pinch will become thin, thin the top down according to the continuous press forming cutter edge lines until the end pinching a clam shaped appearance Boiled dumplings.
3、四喜蒸饺取饺皮一张于掌心 放入适量肉馅 将面皮捏成“田字形”方格(既四角空、中间粘合的四方角形) 田字形可以用手指沾少许水以便粘合放上烫软切碎的菠菜,热炒切碎的蛋皮,入锅蒸约8分钟取出即可食用。
3, take a Steamed Jiaozi Sixi dumplings paper Zhang Yu palm knead dough into the amount of meat stuffing will "shape" (four square, square angle intermediate adhesive angular shape) can use your fingers a little water to put hot soft adhesive chopped spinach, stir fried shredded egg, steam for about 8 minutes can be eaten.
4.鱼形饺左手握拳,大拇指和食指自然伸出,取饺子皮一张放上并放入 馅料,把饺皮对折,把其中一边向里折起约1-2CM,捏紧再向里 折1-2CM,再捏紧如此重复直至另一边,最后收口时把尾巴稍 微向上翘捏牢既可。
4. fish shaped dumplings left fist, thumb and finger out, take a dumpling and put into the stuffing, dumpling skin fold, put on one side to fold in about 1-2CM, pinch to break 1-2CM, then pinch to repeat until the other side, finally closing the tail slightly upturned pinch not only can.
5.元宝饺取饺皮一张于掌心,放入适量馅 对折成半圆形,捏牢中间 将右半边饺皮封口,同样将左半边饺皮也封口,将饺皮封牢, 然后把饺子两端向中间弯拢,将两端饺边相互捏牢,使半圆形的边微微向上翘。
Take a 5. gold dumplings wrapper Zhang Yu palm, add appropriate amount of stuffing folded in a semicircle, squeeze the right side of the wrapper sealing, the same will be the left side of the wrapper is also sealed, will be sealed and then the skin dumplings, dumplings from both ends to the middle turn, both ends of each other to make dumplings squeeze, half round the edge slightly upturned.
The above is Xiaobian related knowledge for you, we have a rigorous working attitude, skilled work skills, will ensure that the task is accurate and efficient completion.


