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  How do dumpling stuffing delicious health, fast look at:
  1, the latter dumplings health and nutrition
  Eggs and vegetables as the main raw material, by contrast, the latter is more health, including oil from vegetable oil, the proportion of vegetables is relatively large. Because eggs contain phosphorus is more, this kind of stuffing shall cooperate with green leafy vegetables that are rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, and dried small shrimps, seaweed and other raw materials, to promote the acid-base balance. And pure starch material like fans low nutritional value and should not be as the main raw material of stuffing.
  2, fungi and algae in it
  肉类馅料尽量多搭配富含膳食纤维和矿物质的蔬菜,同时再加一些富含可溶性纤维的食物,如香菇、木耳、银耳及各种蘑菇、海带、裙带菜等藻类。它们 可改善口感,帮助减少胆固醇和脂肪的吸收量,控制食用肉馅后血脂的上升。竹笋、干菜等也有吸附脂肪的作用。各种豆制品和鱼类也可以入馅,代替一部分肉类, 有利于降低脂肪含量。吃饺子时还可搭配各种清爽的凉拌蔬菜。
  Meat stuffing collocation vegetables that are rich in dietary fiber and mineral as much as possible, at the same time to add some foods that are rich in soluble fiber, such as mushrooms, edible fungus, tremella, and various kinds of mushroom, kelp, such as wakame algae. They can improve the taste, to help reduce cholesterol and fat absorption, reverse the rise in blood fat after eating the meat. Bamboo shoots, dried vegetable and so on also has the effect of adsorption of fat. All kinds of soy and fish can also be into the stuffing, instead of part of meat, is helpful to reduce the fat content. Eat dumplings when also can match all kinds of fresh salad vegetables.饺子
  3 more vegetables, less fat meat
  "Acid", according to the principle of dietary acid-base balance, meat, eggs and white flour, should with "basic" balance of raw materials and a best meat collocation three squeezed juice of raw materials, and filling the lean meat for nine points, do not add animal fat and vegetable oil, increase the dosage of vegetables, to reduce the intake of saturated fat and calories, truly achieve nutritional balance.
  4, oil amount, less salt
  Many people the dumpling stuffing, feel just enough meat smell, plus a lot of oil. More oil, taste is a bit sick of it, add salt or soy sauce flavor is good, can eat in salt would be more naturally. Necessities to eat many, harmful to health.
  5、不挤菜,留营养 蔬菜中含的水分比较多,用蔬菜做馅时怕馅太稀,大家都习惯把蔬菜中的水分挤出去倒掉再拌馅,这样等于把其中的营养素也给倒掉了。菜需要挤水的话,把挤出来的水分用来拌馅,防止营养白白丢失和浪费。
  5, not crowded, leave more nutrition vegetables contained in water, filling made from vegetables paste when fear is too thin, everyone used to throw away moisture from the vegetables out mixed filling, so it is equal to one of the nutrients to pour out. Food need to squeeze the water, the water used to extrude mix fillings, prevent nutrient loss and waste in vain.
  6, cooking methods,
  Generally more vegetables and meat dumplings rarely moisture content is high, easy to "loose", cooking, nutrient loss is big, taste is bad, can consider water methods such as frying, steaming, and meat more stuffed food suitable for cooking. Oil Fried, Fried cooking methods, such as less as far as possible to avoid extra fat intake.
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