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  饺子的来历,除史书记载外,民间还另有一则传说。从前有一个皇帝,整天不理朝政,只顾寻欢作乐,朝里奸臣得宠,忠良受害,闹得国家贫穷交加,百姓怨声载道。有一天,人称“潘素 水”的奸臣潘奇叩见皇上,言明他有个好主意,能使皇上长生不老。皇上听后,满心喜欢。忙问:“潘爱卿,有何妙法,快讲与朕听!”潘奇奏道:“人若能吃百样饭,就可增寿延年成神仙,皇上可下令在各地招选名厨师,让他一日三餐做新样,吃到百种饭,不就如愿以偿了吗?”皇上听后连连点头,即出告示,举国招选。

  The origin of dumplings, in addition to the history of the party secretary, there is also a legend of folk. Once there was an emperor, all state affairs, only pleasure, toward the traitor's graces, Zhongliang victim, leaving the national poverty stricken people Voices of discontent. One day, called "pan Sushui" traitor Pan Qi. Emperor, said he had a good idea, can make the emperor ever-young. The emperor after listen to, full of love. Asked: "Pan Aiqing, what is the fast and I listen to!" Panch played said: "if a man can eat hundreds of meals, you can Zengshou Yannian into a God, the emperor ordered to move around the election cooks, let him make a new kind of three meals a day to eat a meal, not willing to do it?" After hearing the emperor nodded again and again, that is, the notice, the whole country to recruit.
  Not a few days, a lot of famous chefs around the country after another was sent to Beijing, after examination, craft chef Su Qiaosheng was elected on. Since then, Su Qiao Sheng with his superb skills for the emperor to do ninety-nine tricks of the food, the emperor is very satisfied. This night, Su is very happy. I thought: "you can do the same meal tomorrow morning to leave the hateful headed home, with the family reunited." But when I was cooking, I didn't know how to make the last meal. He thought of Dutch act escape, thought of the people and poisoned flesh hunjun. Is sad when he suddenly saw the case of vegetables there are some remaining lamb and vegetables, they picked up a knife and chopped lamb dishes together, casually resting on the spices, flour bag with a number of small angle, and then placed in boiling water boiled, the same as the last meal for the emperor to end. Su Qiaosheng, who was sitting dead, who know the emperor to eat this meal, actually wearing pajamas ran into the kitchen and said: "today this meal is the most fragrant, this name is what?" Su Qiaosheng listens, a long sigh of relief, then looked up and saw the flat things, I replied: "this is a folk fine goods. "The emperor and the Soviet Union Qiaosheng continue to cook for him, Qiao Sheng of this HunJun insatiably avaricious was very angry, the second day they secretly slipped away. In commemoration of the cook school to eat the package bianshi. In this way, the generation of generation, has been handed down to today.


